Hi all,
We had a really productive call tonight. Thanks to all who were able to participate!!! Please review the notes below and if you are a Team Coordinator (marked with a * in the list below) please work with your fellow team-mates in the next 3 weeks to be able to present the Deliverables (listed below) we all agreed on tonight.
3/2/14 Call Notes
Topic for our call tonight: Discuss who was able to purchase tickets and next steps for the group. Bring your ideas for what specific team(s) you’d like to participate on:
Present: (Tickets, Vehicle Passes purchased?)
– Gabriel (0, 0)
– Amanda (0, 0)
– Anna Lisa (2, 2) – 1 extra
– Drea (2, 2) – 1 extra
(Julian (2, 1)) – Genevieve gets 1
– Mike & Nancy (4, 1) – no extras
– Alexis (0, 0)
– AJ (0, 0)
– Michael (2, 1) – 1 extra
– Patricia (0, 0)
– Ansley (2, 2) – 1 extra
– Genevieve (0, 0)
– Tonte (0, 0)
– Emanual (0, 0)
– Carrie (0, 0)
Total Tickets purchased: 14 – We will almost certainly need additional tickets, will get them through the STEP program when it opens (or Craigslist)
Total Vehicle Passes purchased: 9 – We have sufficient quantity
There is a LOW INCOME ticket opportunity starting March 4. Look for info about this here: http://tickets.burningman.com
Teams: (Coordinators marked in bold and *)
– Lecturer Selection / Logistics Team
*Drea, Michael, Alexis, Ansley, Genevieve
– Metaphysical Preparation Team (Prayer Team)
*Nancy, Drea, Alexis, Patricia, Ansley, Michael
– Kitchen Team
*Anna Lisa, Drea, Nancy, Alexis, Patricia, Gabriel
– Finance / Bookkeeping Team
– Transportation / Homestay Team
*Gabriel, AJ
– General Logistics / Physical Planning Team
*Gabriel, Amanda, Anna Lisa, Mike, AJ
– Art / Design Team
*Gabriel, Anna Lisa, Michael, Alexis, Ansley, Genevieve
– Communications / Outreach Team
*Gabriel, Anna Lisa, Michael, Patricia
Deliverables for next call:
1) Meet as a team at least 1 time (Coordinators will organize this with their team, off-list.)
2) Team develops (very) rough draft of an estimated budget. Amanda will communicate with the Team Coordinators about the specific info needed. This is due via email to Amanda by Wed 3/19 so she can present an initial draft of the overall budget needs (useful for our future fund-raising).
3) Each team roughs out major timelines / deadlines and top-level items.
4) Team Coordinator prepares brief report (~5 min) to share with the group at our next call on 3/23 at 6pm PST.
Note: If you decide / realize you cannot make your commitments, please just communicate this to either your Team Coordinator or to me directly, and we’ll make adjustments as necessary. Life happens, and this is O.K., but it will be very helpful to have the heads-up so we can cover all the necessary bases.
Teams / Contact Info:
Here is the list of confirmed (and potential) camp participants along with which team(s) they’ve currently signed up for. If this information needs correcting / updating, please feel free to make changes. We’ll keep this up to date, and if you’re on the core team you should be able to make edits. If you’re on the info list you should be able to view it but not make edits.
Schedule for our next call:
Sunday 3/23 at 6pm — Please add this to your calendar!
(619) 326-2772
Access code: 1246521
Agenda for next group call:
10-15 minutes – Inspiration Sharing (Metaphysical Team to present)
45 minutes – ~5 minute sharing from each Team Coordinator with high-level overview of where they’re at, if they need assistance with any specific things etc.
10 minutes – Closing, discuss next steps
THANKS AGAIN everyone for participating, this is truly what makes this camp a reality! If you have any questions, feel free to reply or call.
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