The Healing Foot Wash camp has received Placement for 2015 at 5:30 & B. This is very close to Center Camp and should be a high traffic area. Feel free to drop by and wash some feet! 🙂
Category Archives: Logistics
Final preparations for our trip [Photos] – Leaving this Friday / Saturday for Burning Man 2014!
We had a great work party last weekend with participants coming by the Berkeley CSO on both Saturday and Sunday. Our packing and organization is much better this year. A big THANK YOU of gratitude to all who have helped us get to Burning Man this year.
Here are some pictures of our recent preparations as we get ready to leave:
Photos by Gabriel and Mist-er.
3 weeks until Burning Man! Notes from tonight’s call (* including TO-DO items for you)

Thanks everyone for being part of the call tonight. For those who were not able to join, here are notes from the call:
Books donated (estimated totals, we know there are more in Reno waiting for us and in transit):
Bibles: 50+
S&H: 90+
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has helped raise awareness of our mission and helped with fundraising. This year we’re hoping to wash 1,000 people’s feet, and still have some additional expenses we would like to cover. The supply truly is there, and thank you to everyone who has been supporting this project metaphysically.
5 people have volunteered to participate in helping the group acquire 1 additional ticket in the upcoming OMG sale. Please make sure you have registered for it by tomorrow at 12pm (when OMG sale registration closes). Patricia will email if we need to change the plan of having everyone who can try for 1 ticket each.
All local Bay Area participants (and friends) who do not have previous hard commitments will gather at the Berkeley CSO (2601 Durant Avenue, Berkeley CA 94704) on Sunday 8/10 (1 week from today) starting at 12pm to do the initial shake-out of our major camp pieces (tent, shade structure) and to also take inventory and begin organizing. Food will be provided. Please feel free to invite any friends who might be interested in helping us out.
Everyone else is encouraged to be part of the regular 5pm PST group call, which will be focused on metaphysical preparation, inspiration and sharing.
Please take care of your personal packing needs soon — Burning Man will be upon us sooner than you think! Start taking personal inventory of what you have and what you still need to get. Particularly if you are in the Bay Area, local stores will start selling out of Burning Man related gear soon, so get what you need now!
Read the official Burning Man Survival Guide yet?
Transportation assignments:
Berkeley Rental Truck
Gabriel (driver)
Berkeley Car #1
Cristi (driver)
Berkeley Car #2
Anna Lisa (driver)
Patricia (return from Burning Man)
Tennessee RV
Reno Burner Bus
John Tyler (round-trip)
Michelle (round-trip)
Patricia (one-way in)
Number for next week’s metaphysical call:
(619) 326-2772
Access code: 1246521
Agenda: Metaphysical preparation
THANKS EVERYBODY, and see you all in 3 weeks on the playa!!!
P.S. Please ask anyone you can think of to sign up for our Prayer Watch team:
Agenda for Sunday 7/27/14 – 5pm CS@Burning Man Conference Call
I know it must feel like it was just yesterday that we had our last conference call, and we have another important one coming up on Sunday. If you’ve been missing these and can be on the next few calls that would be great… it really helps the team feel cohesive when we’re all participating!
(619) 326-2772
Access code: 1246521
** Agenda for 7/27/14 **
** Metaphysical inspiration **
** Fundraising update **
– Funds received to date
– Reimbursement request process & expectations (Name, Description, Amount, receipt)
** Tickets update **
– Has anyone not received their tickets yet (that aren’t at Will Call)?
– Who is still looking for tickets / steps we can take as a group to support
** Communications update **
– Everyone please submit recent picture + short bio for Participants page on site
– Banner artwork for camp entrance
– Playa cards artwork for handing out
** Foot washing **
– Be prepared to wash 1,000 people’s feet this year (~5x last year)
– More stations, be thinking through sustainable process, how we encourage visitors to participate as washers and in our camp. We may be playing much more of a “host” role this year, encouraging volunteers to stick around
– At ~1/2 cup per person, 1000 = 500 cups = ~32 gallons total of water for foot washing
** Official Burning Man Survival Guide **
– How many people have read this year’s version completely?
– This is REQUIRED READING for ALL camp participants. Please do this sooner rather than later. Online version:, you should have also gotten a copy with your tickets if they’re delivered.
** Metaphysical Support **
– Everyone please spend some time metaphysically supporting this camp, and each of our individual participants
– Some are still looking for tickets, some are financially tight, let’s focus on knowing our true and full supply
– Final camp arrangements are still happening, we have an assigned general location, let’s also pray to know that our specific location and neighbors will be harmonious, beneficial
** Next Meeting Reminder **
– Sunday 8/3/14, 5pm, normal conference call number
– Next two weekends after that will be work at the CSO weekends, PLEASE put this on your calendars
Official Burning Man 2014 Survival Guide is now available (and is mandatory reading for all Camp Participants)
The Burning Man 2014 Survival Guide is now available. All camp participants are required to read the entire guide before camping with us, so now’s a good time to get started on that!
Presenting the Burning Man 2014 Survival Guide, offering all the information you need to survive — and thrive — at Burning Man (not to mention on the way in and out).
The Survival Guide is mandatory reading for all Burning Man participants! Make sure you read it through, and that all your campmates do as well. And keep an eye on your mailbox for the printed version, which is mailed along with all purchased tickets.
Our “Healing Foot Wash Life Truth Love” camp received Placement for 2014 Burning Man!!!
We’ve just received word that we’ve been granted Placement for 2014 Burning Man. This means we’ll have an assigned location for our camp this year, and will be able to share this ahead of time with anyone who might like to visit or participate during the event. It also means we’ll be able to send a small group ahead of time to setup camp so we’re ready to serve once the general gates open to the public. We’ll be on Isfahan street, near 9:15. Full map
From the email :
It is our pleasure to inform you that Healing Foot Wash Life Truth Love has been officially placed for Burning Man 2014: Caravansary!
Your camp has frontage on Isfahan and your nearest nearest cross street is 9:15. Your camp will measure approximately 150 by 50. If your dimensions contain a + or – sign, it means you are an odd shape.
It is impossible to give out exact addresses because there are still a number of variables that may occur right up until the day your camp arrives on the Playa. We try to accommodate camps as much as possible, and sometimes that means making changes up until the very end. Don’t worry, because we really do have everyone’s best interests at heart!
We have approved 8 Early Arrival Passes to be used on or after Thursday before the event.
A big thank you to everyone who has been supporting this effort, particularly in a metaphysical and prayerful manner!
Notes from tonight’s Christian Science at Burning Man group planning call

Nice call tonight! We’re getting into the fun planning details now. Please review the 3 items below, you may have a TO-DO item or two.
New time for our calls:
Starting next week (7/13/14) we will be moving to 5pm Pacific for our group planning conference calls. We will also be moving to a weekly call schedule, so please please mark this on your calendar and set a reminder for yourself. It is very helpful to have everyone on each call going forward so we don’t have to follow up with individuals as we’re planning final logistics.
Kitchen Contributions due by 7/15/2014
In the next week (i.e. as soon as possible), for all confirmed ticket-holders, please send a check payment for $100, made out to Amanda. This will go directly towards our food purchases for the week we’ll be camping together. We will track these contributions, and if we happen to get sufficient external donations to fully fund everything including our food costs, we should be able to refund this back (although please do not count on this happening, it’s a big MAYBE). John & Michelle’s food costs will be covered by the group.
TO-DO for Everyone: Please: 1) Send the Kitchen Contribution payment in by 7/15 and 2) Send an email to Amanda confirming you’ve sent the payment. Her direct email address is
Travel planning:
We started to get a count of how people are expecting to travel to Burning Man. We still need information for the following people who were not on the call tonight:
John & Michelle Tyler
Your TO-DO: If you were not on the call tonight (i.e. your name is on the list above), please reply to this email with your expected transportation option from the options below:
Berkeley Group 1: (Assuming we receive Placement) – Will leave late Thursday evening or early Friday morning (8/21 or 8/22) and will transport all major camp supplies, material and setup tools, to arrive at Burning Man sometime Friday. This group will build out the camp and claim our assigned location.
Berkeley Group 2: Will leave Berkeley Saturday 8/23 and stay with Reno church families Saturday night, go to church Sunday morning and then head for Burning Man afterwards. If we do NOT receive Placement for our camp, Group 1 will be combined with Group 2.
Other / Self Transportation: Options include: Burner Bus, taking your own vehicle (we have plenty of Vehicle Passes so that will not be a problem), getting a ride with someone else. Specify which of these you’ll be going with so we make sure everyone is covered.
Thanks again everyone, and looking forward to our next call:
5pm Pacific time, 7/13/14
(619) 326-2772
Access code: 1246521
2014 Burning Man Camp Placement Questionnaire Submitted!!!
Close to the last minute (it’s due at 12pm later today) but I got it submitted. A couple of new points:
- If we receive Placement, we’ll be required to arrive before Gate opens to setup our camp. This will impact our scheduling. We’ll need at least 1 person on-site to secure our placed location, and they request we have our camp fully setup before the general public begin arriving on Sunday. We’ll probably shoot for somewhere between 3-6 people to be part of the Build Team, possibly up to 12. Our earliest arrival date will be Thursday, August 21, 2014.
- We had to submit a name that was 33 characters or shorter for our Camp name. I chose “Healing Foot Wash Life Truth Love” for this purpose, since our previous “official” name was too long.
- I requested placement in the 9:00 Portal, 7:30 Portal and 9:00 Streets areas, each with 150′ of frontage area.
Here are some of the responses to key questions in the application:
2014 Burning Man Placement Application
Camp/Village Name?
Please provide the name of your Camp or Village. You will be limited to 33 characters.
You may wish to drop words like “A”, “The”, and even “Camp” from your camp name for better positioning in alphabetical listings.
To honor our principle of de-commodification, we ask that you not include the name of your commercial enterprise in your camp name.
“Healing Foot Wash Life Truth Love”
Interactivity Description
Please describe your Camp and how you will promote personal interactivity of our community within your Camp at this year’s event. Please be as specific and concrete as possible. We are interested in reading your schedule of events, your plans for service, gifting and hosting in detail. (This is the most important information we are collecting from you).
Our camp enthusiastically provides foot wash stations in a loving, safe, non-sexual environment where visitors can sit on comfortable chairs and have their feet washed. In 2013 we washed hundreds of people’s feet, and received glowing reviews from everyone (see below for some of their comments). Many people were surprised to find us (we were unplaced last year) and visited us each day once they found us.
We’re asked why we wash people’s feet? Our goal is simply to love everyone who visits in the purest way we can, by providing a much needed and appreciated service. We also discuss spiritual topics with visitors if they’re interested, and share additional gifts of loved spiritual books if appropriate. Our motivation is based in the Biblical examples of foot washing as a pure service of love.
This year we’re returning with more camp participants, and plan to wash even more feet. It was a totally awesome experience last year, and this year will be even better.
We provide manned foot wash stations primarily during daylight hours, from breakfast through dinner time. Our goal is to have 10 stations ready at all times. We’ve recruited additional participants to ensure there are always people available to provide the service.
We encourage our “customers” to return and wash other people’s feet, but they must have their feet washed first. We provide the supplies (dilute vinegar, soap, water, basins, lotion) and example of how to do it.
1) Sit, remove shoes, socks
2) Place feet in clean basin, rinse with dilute vinegar / water mixture using squeeze bottle
3) Apply dilute Dr. Bronner’s soapy water using squeeze bottle
4) Rinse with clean water
5) Towel dry
6) Optional (most people want this) – apply foot lotion and massage feet / calfs
7) Sit, relax, talk
8) Once done, dispose of water in evaporator, clean basin for next use.
We also provide fresh cold water to drink and light snacks like cold grapes.
We provide a 60’x40′ public shaded area that provides relief from the hot sun. Our foot wash stations are located under the shade structure, but there are no walls, so it is a very nice open, airy relaxing environment.
We gladly welcome everyone to our camp, both to receive foot wash service as well as to give.
Some of the comments / notes people left last year:
“This is the best gift I’ve gotten at Burning Man, and I’ve been coming for many years”
“You bring love from my feet to my heart – Alana”
“Best Foot Wash Ever”
“This is Love – Nels S.B. C.A.”
“)'( You guys have made me shoot rainbows out of my toes. You are beautiful expressions of love!”
“Thanks for the fresh feet. Ethiopia Joe”
“A perfect find – Love Lee, NYC”
We are totally looking forward to this year and having a “home” within the Burning Man community for this much appreciated service.
Familiarizing newer Burning Man event participants to our culture and community is a vital role of Placed Camps.
How does your camp encourage Participation, teach about the 10 Principles and set expectations about what it means to be a Burner?
Please describe how your Camp acculturates its members and the greater community.
Our camp holds regular (every 2-3 weeks) conference calls going over Burning Man principles and how we plan to express them. We also have a group that has been focusing on the spiritual as well as practical applications of the 10 Principles, and thinking of inspiring ways of embodying those Principles.
We love all 10 of the Principles. The Principles we strive to embody / express most in our camp are Radical Inclusion, Gifting (the main reason many of our participants are coming with us), Communal Effort, Civic Responsibility, Participation and Immediacy.
We scored 100% clean on the MOOP map last year (aka we Left No Trace). Our camp is very low impact, and we emphasize with all new participants the need to really embrace the principles of Burning Man, including subscribing to Jack Rabbit Speaks, reviewing thoroughly the Burning Man website, and learning from our past experiences at Burning Man.
Physical Description
We need a description of the layout of your Camp. Please describe the physical aspects with as much detail as possible. Include a description of features like structures, buildings, vehicles, tents, platforms, and the locations of your power sources. Maximum of 400 words.
Our camp consists of a central welcoming area defined by a 40’x60′ open public shade structure. This structure is composed of a central 6’x6′ column with 14′ bracing for reflective shade cloth that extends out in a cross shape. We have a 30′ dome (from Shelter Systems) that we provide as a public quiet space for reading (as well as camp participant sleeping area). We have additional tents for sleeping, a kitchen area, a water evaporator. We use solar panels for our light power needs. Our lighting is all solar powered LED. We park cars and RVs in the back of our camp, as our purpose is expressly to be warm and welcoming to public interaction. We have a private shower that is for use of our campers. We have bike parking in the front of the camp.
Public Listing on our website:
What you should know when you submit your Camp description for the website:
- Please limit your description to two sentences. Remember, this is our voice to the world. Please consider this when submitting.
- Please give us the correct URL; any future changes to the web address will be difficult.
- All submissions will be reviewed and may be edited.
- After your submission it will take about two weeks for the description to appear on the site.
Please include the description of your Camp that you would like to have included on the Burning Man website.
Text for website listing
Come have your feet washed in a quiet, safe and loving environment. You may come back and wash other people’s feet after you’ve had yours washed, all are welcome!
Regardless of the decision of the Placement team at Burning Man, we’re confident we will be in our right place at 2014 Burning Man and will have the opportunity to be of service to hundreds of people during the week-long festival!
STEP program for Burning Man tickets now open… also progress on our Placement application!

First of all, if you’re thinking of joining us at Burning Man this year, you’ll need a ticket. To get this ticket (if you don’t already have one) you’ll need to register for a Burning Man profile and then click the button that says sign up for the STEP program. This will put you in a queue to purchase tickets when other people put them up for sale. That’s it for now! We’re still looking for a few more tickets for our core team so if you happen to have an extra or two, please let us know.
In other news, we’ve made some good progress on our application for Placement (i.e. a reserved space) for our camp at Burning Man. Specifically, we’ve completed the first draft of our camp layout diagram (a required part of the submission.) What do you think?
Teams, Tickets and Next Meeting Date (Recap of 3/2/14 call)
Hi all,
We had a really productive call tonight. Thanks to all who were able to participate!!! Please review the notes below and if you are a Team Coordinator (marked with a * in the list below) please work with your fellow team-mates in the next 3 weeks to be able to present the Deliverables (listed below) we all agreed on tonight.
3/2/14 Call Notes
Topic for our call tonight: Discuss who was able to purchase tickets and next steps for the group. Bring your ideas for what specific team(s) you’d like to participate on:
Present: (Tickets, Vehicle Passes purchased?)
– Gabriel (0, 0)
– Amanda (0, 0)
– Anna Lisa (2, 2) – 1 extra
– Drea (2, 2) – 1 extra
(Julian (2, 1)) – Genevieve gets 1
– Mike & Nancy (4, 1) – no extras
– Alexis (0, 0)
– AJ (0, 0)
– Michael (2, 1) – 1 extra
– Patricia (0, 0)
– Ansley (2, 2) – 1 extra
– Genevieve (0, 0)
– Tonte (0, 0)
– Emanual (0, 0)
– Carrie (0, 0)
Total Tickets purchased: 14 – We will almost certainly need additional tickets, will get them through the STEP program when it opens (or Craigslist)
Total Vehicle Passes purchased: 9 – We have sufficient quantity
There is a LOW INCOME ticket opportunity starting March 4. Look for info about this here: http://tickets.
Teams: (Coordinators marked in bold and *)
– Lecturer Selection / Logistics Team
*Drea, Michael, Alexis, Ansley, Genevieve
– Metaphysical Preparation Team (Prayer Team)
*Nancy, Drea, Alexis, Patricia, Ansley, Michael
– Kitchen Team
*Anna Lisa, Drea, Nancy, Alexis, Patricia, Gabriel
– Finance / Bookkeeping Team
– Transportation / Homestay Team
*Gabriel, AJ
– General Logistics / Physical Planning Team
*Gabriel, Amanda, Anna Lisa, Mike, AJ
– Art / Design Team
*Gabriel, Anna Lisa, Michael, Alexis, Ansley, Genevieve
– Communications / Outreach Team
*Gabriel, Anna Lisa, Michael, Patricia
Deliverables for next call:
1) Meet as a team at least 1 time (Coordinators will organize this with their team, off-list.)
2) Team develops (very) rough draft of an estimated budget. Amanda will communicate with the Team Coordinators about the specific info needed. This is due via email to Amanda by Wed 3/19 so she can present an initial draft of the overall budget needs (useful for our future fund-raising).
3) Each team roughs out major timelines / deadlines and top-level items.
4) Team Coordinator prepares brief report (~5 min) to share with the group at our next call on 3/23 at 6pm PST.
Note: If you decide / realize you cannot make your commitments, please just communicate this to either your Team Coordinator or to me directly, and we’ll make adjustments as necessary. Life happens, and this is O.K., but it will be very helpful to have the heads-up so we can cover all the necessary bases.
Teams / Contact Info:
Here is the list of confirmed (and potential) camp participants along with which team(s) they’ve currently signed up for. If this information needs correcting / updating, please feel free to make changes. We’ll keep this up to date, and if you’re on the core team you should be able to make edits. If you’re on the info list you should be able to view it but not make edits.
Schedule for our next call:
Sunday 3/23 at 6pm — Please add this to your calendar!
(619) 326-2772
Access code: 1246521
Agenda for next group call:
10-15 minutes – Inspiration Sharing (Metaphysical Team to present)
45 minutes – ~5 minute sharing from each Team Coordinator with high-level overview of where they’re at, if they need assistance with any specific things etc.
10 minutes – Closing, discuss next steps
THANKS AGAIN everyone for participating, this is truly what makes this camp a reality! If you have any questions, feel free to reply or call.
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