Nice call tonight! We’re getting into the fun planning details now. Please review the 3 items below, you may have a TO-DO item or two.
New time for our calls:
Starting next week (7/13/14) we will be moving to 5pm Pacific for our group planning conference calls. We will also be moving to a weekly call schedule, so please please mark this on your calendar and set a reminder for yourself. It is very helpful to have everyone on each call going forward so we don’t have to follow up with individuals as we’re planning final logistics.
Kitchen Contributions due by 7/15/2014
In the next week (i.e. as soon as possible), for all confirmed ticket-holders, please send a check payment for $100, made out to Amanda. This will go directly towards our food purchases for the week we’ll be camping together. We will track these contributions, and if we happen to get sufficient external donations to fully fund everything including our food costs, we should be able to refund this back (although please do not count on this happening, it’s a big MAYBE). John & Michelle’s food costs will be covered by the group.
TO-DO for Everyone: Please: 1) Send the Kitchen Contribution payment in by 7/15 and 2) Send an email to Amanda confirming you’ve sent the payment. Her direct email address is craftegirl@hotmail.com.
Travel planning:
We started to get a count of how people are expecting to travel to Burning Man. We still need information for the following people who were not on the call tonight:
John & Michelle Tyler
Your TO-DO: If you were not on the call tonight (i.e. your name is on the list above), please reply to this email with your expected transportation option from the options below:
Berkeley Group 1: (Assuming we receive Placement) – Will leave late Thursday evening or early Friday morning (8/21 or 8/22) and will transport all major camp supplies, material and setup tools, to arrive at Burning Man sometime Friday. This group will build out the camp and claim our assigned location.
Berkeley Group 2: Will leave Berkeley Saturday 8/23 and stay with Reno church families Saturday night, go to church Sunday morning and then head for Burning Man afterwards. If we do NOT receive Placement for our camp, Group 1 will be combined with Group 2.
Other / Self Transportation: Options include: Burner Bus, taking your own vehicle (we have plenty of Vehicle Passes so that will not be a problem), getting a ride with someone else. Specify which of these you’ll be going with so we make sure everyone is covered.
Thanks again everyone, and looking forward to our next call:
5pm Pacific time, 7/13/14
(619) 326-2772
Access code: 1246521