Category Archives: 2014 Burning Man

Washing Feet

I’ve begun doing some preliminary reading about washing feet, per last night’s teleconference. I see a Wednesday night topic in the making!

Feet ready to be washedAlso, I really love this quote in relation to Burning Man:

“Cleanse every stain from this wanderer’s soiled garments, wipe the dust from his feet and the tears from his eyes, that you may behold the real man, the fellow-saint of a holy household,” ‘Retrospection and Introspection,’ by Mary Baker Eddy (Pg. 86).

The playa is our ‘holy household’ for the week, filled with fellow-saints! And again, when you read the passage in context, it is clear that this cleansing starts with one’s self.

Walking into a church…or a CS camp at Burning Man

This poem made me think about what it might be like to walk into our Burning Man camp, then to participate and experience our camp’s expression of church and Reading Room. I especially like the idea of washing “feet and thoughts,” and knowing that we start with our own! Do you see anything else in this poem that you can relate to our camp?     -Nancy

Walking into a church


From the March 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

should be like walking into a manger,
not a hall of judgment—
a place so shorn of self-righteousness,
so free of all reproach,
that the hungering heart will feel no
shame, no awkward fear,
no insecurity.

Sitting in a church
should be like sitting in a field of sunlight—
comfortable and warm—
while Love’s sweet air is bearing
fragrances of Christ’s simplicity.

Experiencing church should be like walking through* a stream,
where Christly ministrations
wash your feet and thoughts
and make you clean.

Oh, yes—I know how I expect my
church to feel ….
Dear Father-Mother, teach me
now the way to make it real.

* A correction was made in the February 1985 German Herold and the March 1986 French Heraut, in which this poem was reprinted and translated: “wading in” was changed to “walking through”.

Preliminary call today (3pm PDT) for interested participants for 2014 camp

You bring love from my feet to my heart -- Alana
You bring love from my feet to my heart — Alana

We’re holding a preliminary call today (Friday, Jan 24) at 3pm PDT for anyone interested in joining us in 2014.  Here is the proposed agenda for the call (trying to keep it to 1 hour):

1) Welcome, Inspiration, Introductions
2) Begin discussing specific ideas for 2014 camp theme
3) Begin identifying groups / people who want to contribute to specific areas
4) Go over ticketing procedures & individual responsibilities
5) Confirm next call date (~2 weeks from now)

Dial-in number:

(619) 326-2772
Access code: 1246521

Looking forward to meeting some of you for the first time on the phone today!

P.S. If you cannot make today’s call, there is another one proposed for Thursday, February 6 2014 at 6pm PDT for those who cannot make today’s call.

2014 Official Burning Man Theme Announced: “Caravansary”

Burning Man 2014 Pavilion

“For countless centuries, travelers along the Silk Route crossed paths in caravansaries, a network of oases and sanctuaries that dotted the 4,000-mile road from Europe to East Asia. These bustling caravan stops offered more than just shelter from the desert wilderness; they were vital centers of cultural exchange, bringing together traders, pilgrims, monks, nomads, traveling entertainers, and wild-eyed adventurers from all points of the compass to share their stories around a common fire. Though fueled by mercantilism, their legacy to us is a grand commerce of ideas — a swirling exchange of languages, legends, technologies, philosophies and art that helped shape nearly every aspect of our modern world.”

Read the entire theme description here.