Chaos. The law of harmony which governs the Kingdom replaces chaos with Mind’s order.
Unity/one Mind. One Mind alone governs the Kingdom. There is no other influence.
Dedication vs career conflict. Unselfed Love is God-guided and supports rather than conflicts with career.
Health. is found in the wholeness and completeness of the Kingdom.
Cherishing all burners. It’s inherent in Kingdom dwellers to cherish and respect and honor each other.
Shine/Communicate. Unselfed love communicates, and there is no other love, no other communication, because unselfed love shines straight from God.
God’s healing power. Is revealed through unselfed love.
Negative opinions. Don’t exist, are neither cause nor effect, in the allness of infinite Mind.
Lethargy. Omni-action has no opposite. Man expresses Love’s inspiration and Life’s vitality.
Weather. Mind’s weather includes nothing destructive or obscurative.
Place. Love expressed is always in its right place.
Loving your dedication and consecration,